Recording Now Available – The Seeds of Memory: The Holodomor in Literature for Young Readers
HREC is excited to share the recording of Dr. Mateusz Świetlicki’s (University of Wrocław, Poland) presentation “The Seeds of Memory: The Holodomor in Literature for Young Readers.” Dr. Świetlicki specializes in North American and Ukrainian children’s and young adult literature and culture. He recently published a book titled Next-Generation Memory and Ukrainian Canadian Children’s Historical Fiction: The Seeds of Memory (Routledge 2023). In his talk, Dr. Świetlicki discussed the shift in the representation of the Holodomor in global children’s and young adult literature since 1991 and the interconnection between the political changes and growing interest of the publishing industry in Ukraine-related historical fiction.
The Seeds of Memory: The Holodomor in Literature for Young Readers