
The Assault on Culture in Ukraine: The Holodomor Years

The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, announce the availability of stipends to support attendance by early career scholars at the conference The Assault on Culture in Ukraine: The Holodomor Years, to be held at Columbia University October 19, 2023.

Conference Concept

Since the fall of the USSR, the Holodomor has been the subject of considerable research, yet connections between it and attacks on Ukrainian culture have received relatively little attention. This conference will consider the relation between the Famine and the assault on a range of aspects of Ukrainian culture, including language, literature, art, theatre, education, religion, and traditions. We plan to produce a publication based on conference presentations.

Program and Registration link