The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium invites applications for its non-residential research grants program for scholars in Ukraine. Grants will be made for a period from 1 to 3 months and will provide a stipend of $1,000 CAD per month. Applications will be considered that propose research that expands our knowledge and understanding of the Holodomor; […]
Read moreThe Holodomor Research and Education Consortium has organized a roundtable to examine recent events in Ukraine in the context of genocide, featuring leading experts in genocide theory and law. Friday, April 29, 11 AM (EST) Zoom link PARTICIPANTS: Dirk Moses, University of North Carolina Dr. Moses is Frank Porter Graham Distinguished Professor […]
Read moreIn April each year, Ukrainians worldwide traditionally visit cemeteries to remember the dead with special memorial ceremonies held the week after Easter, when victims of the Holodomor are specifically remembered. April Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month is recognized in Canada annually through a historic motion passed in 2015. During this month, we honour the memory of the victims of genocide whose survivors Canada has […]
Read moreEduard Baidaus will be giving a lecture on Thursday, 14 April 2022, 10:00 a.m. Edmonton time. This will be a joint CIUS/HREC event with the U of A’s Department of History, Classics, and Religion. The presentation focuses on the unsuccessful and successful attempts of Soviet citizens, especially inhabitants of the Moldavian ASSR in the Ukrainian SSR, to cross the border […]
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